Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fairtrade for supermarket buyers and clergy alike

Supermarket buyers are less well known for keeping their word than priests & bishops, but Fairtrade caters for both more and more.

For the church there are now stylish Fairtrade clergy shirts from

And for the supermarket there is the brilliant new range from Equal Exchange including their Organic Fairtrade Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee. Made famous in the movie Black Gold, its available in Ireland now through Kinsale Distribution Company.

Great stuff, and Fairtrade Advent Calendars arriving soon too !

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why Divine chocolate is divine

For those at the far end of the chocolate value chain, there is less earned in a week than you'll earn during the time it takes to watch this video clip ! Enjoy anyway, it might make a difference.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Green Tea is a favourite Fairtrade purchase

Without minimum fuss, sales of Clipper Fairtrade Green Tea have risen 50% in Ireland in the last year. In part because of the quality, but also because of the wide range, and continuing hunger (or should that be thirst !) for healthy tea.
Green tea contains wacking great doses of useful antioxidants, and combined with echinacea, ginseng, lemon, or just in its pure organic, bagged or loose form, Clipper provides, and Kinsale Distribution delivers.
If you would like to try it, just ask.