As Fairtrade Fortnight ends with thousands enjoying Fairtrade bananas, there is a debate worth paying attention to at www.tradingvisions.org/content/who-owns-fairtrade . Trading Visions is a charity set up to encouarge young people to get involved in the whole idea of Fairtrade and where it needs to go.
There are several on-line videos of the debate which took place in London School of Economics last month, all of which are worth watching. It made me think about just how much further there is to go, to make the trading world we live in anything like trully fair.
How fair is it when Cadburys say in 2008 that they will NOT be going Fairtrade, and then in 2009 change their minds without explanation ? Fairtrade is about a susatainable future for all, not a knee jerk reaction by a few greedy shareholders eyeing a profitable opportunity.
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