Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fair trade sugar grower talking direct to you

UBUNTU Fairtrade Cola is made here in Ireland. And if you have any question about the direct benefits this brings to the sugar growers in Malawi, why not check out the personal blog of Elod, one of the co-operative members, who spends every day producing the basic ingredient just for us in rich-mans-land ? Ask him how he's doing. See what he did today. Tell him what you did to help.

Go brave !!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fairtrade for the birds

And now Fairtrade for the birds !!
Gardman have just launched the first Fairtrade peanuts for wild birds. Packed in 1.5kg and 3kg bags, the nuts are sourced by Liberation Foods who are also responsible for the first Fairtrade salted nuts. launched earlier this year for humans !

The new Gardman products are available in Ireland from Groundforce who can be contacted through this blog.

Liberation's own human nuts are available in 4 varieties, including a great Lemon Chilli flavour. They too can be bought from us in Ireland.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Back from Africa

If you ever wondered what it means to work for the benefit of Fairtrade communities, see this ! This is a Fairtrade sugar producing village in Malawi 2 weeks ago when we visited ! As you can see they were keen to have us participate in their daily routines.