Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A day on the Fairtrade road

Spent a day on the road selling yesterday. Not done that for a few years. I was mostly greeted with interest and courtesy, and just once with a 'well we wouldn't be interested in that boy' ! The Fairtrade message takes longer to get into shop managers minds (and onto shelves) than into the customers minds.

We all know we say things we never act on, but for these people, its their decisions that are holding up sales of Fairtrade products. Even in a Fairtrade town, shop owners can be clueless.

I was in a Costcutter store where the white sugar sachets by the take away coffee were Fairtrade, but the coffee wasn't. The manager seemed oblivious.

All of which convinced me of the opportunities out there.

The highlight of the day was the call on a garden centre cafe who loved our products, AND were meeting their coffee supplier later to make the switch to Fairtrade !

A match made somewhere in Africa...Fairtrade Coffee AND a Fairtrade Honey & Fruit Flapjack.

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